22:1 - O mankind! fear your Lord! For the convulsion of the Hour (of Judgment) will be a thing terrible! 2770
2770 The serious issues involved are indicated by showing how terrible the consequences will be for those who disobey Allah's Will. The terror will only be for those who rebel and disobey: the righteous will not suffer from it, but on the contrary will be greeted by angels with joy (xxi. 103). (22.1)
22:2 - The Day ye shall see it every mother giving suck shall forget her suckling-babe and every pregnant female shall drop her load (unformed): thou shalt see mankind as in a drunken riot yet not drunk: but dreadful will be the Wrath of Allah. 2771
2771 Three metaphors are used for the extreme terror which the Awful Day will inspire, (1) No mother abandons the baby at her breast in the greatest danger; yet that will happen in this Dreadful Hour. (2) An expectant mother carries the young life within her with great pride and hope: yet the terror will overpower the hope at this "Hour", and nature's working will be reversed, (3) Men ordinarily retain their self-possession except under intoxication: here, without intoxication, they will be driven to frenzy with terror. (22.2)
22:3 - And yet among men there are such as dispute about Allah without knowledge and follow every evil one obstinate in rebellion!
2772 Even after the warnings there are men who are such fools as to turn away from Allah who created them and cherishes them with His love and care; they become outlaws in His Kingdom, making friends with satan, which is a rebel in Allah's Kingdom.
99:1 - When the Earth is shaken to her (utmost) convulsion 6235
6235 To the ordinary human observer a violent earthquake is a terrifying phenomenon, in its suddenness, in its origin, and in its power to destroy and uproot the strongest buildings and to bring up strange materials from the bowels of the earth. The Overwhelming Event (S. lxxxviii.) which ushers in the Judgment will be a bigger and more far-reaching convulsion than any earthquakes that we know. And yet the incidents of earthquakes may give us some idea of that supreme world-shaking Event. (99.1)

Hadith 6492 Narrated by
Allah's Apostle (peace be upon him) stated: He who loves meeting Allah, Allah loves to meet him; and he who dislikes meeting Allah, Allah abhors meeting him. I (Shurayh ibn Hani, one of the narrators) came to Aisha and said to her: Mother of the faithful, I heard AbuHurayrah narrate from Allah's Apostle (peace be upon him) that which, if it is actually so, is a destruction to us. Thereupon she said: Those are in fact ruined who are ruined at the words of Allah's Apostle (peace be upon him). What are (the words which in your opinion would cause your destruction)? He said that Allah's Apostle (peace be upon him) had stated: He who loves to meet Allah, Allah too loves to meet him; he who dislikes meeting Allah, Allah too abhors meeting him;; there is none amongst us who does not hate death. Thereupon she said: Allah's Apostle (peace be upon him) has in fact stated this, but it does not mean what you construe. It implies (the time) when the lustre of the eye fades, there is rattling in the throat, shuddering of the body and convulsion of the fingers (at the time of death). (It is about this time) that it has been said: He who loves to meet Allah, Allah loves to meet him; and he who dislikes meeting Allah, Allah abhors meeting him.